Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Sorry guys....Due to some unavoidable circumstances we have not been able to bring you the latest updates....
We will be back shortly!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

First view of the colorBurst collection...
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Monday, August 31, 2009

Almost there!

So finally today after a lot of thinking the logo has been finalised! It's such a relief!
After all the contemplation and bright ideas about asking a website to design it and being stuck pimarily becos we did not have a visual identity...Colorburt has found a face now! and its beautiful! Thanks to my husband who took it on himself to ensure we have our identity crisis resolved as soon as possible! Guess hardwork and focus always pays!!!
We are all set to enter the phase II of production and this time with a little more confidence, becos now we know, the market is going to welcome us with open arms! Can't wait to unveil!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Label nightmares

The society surely perceives you by your "Name". In the retail world its called LABEL.
After doing rounds of all the possible lanes of the santacruz market.... we still couldn't figure out a label maker.............................i need HELP............

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ok its the end of august and by my calculation....most of the work, must have been already done( which i obviously assume). The clothes are almost done but ya im desperately looking for a label maker. how the label shd look, how big,what colour all of this we had thought about but ya no one thought about who is goin to make the label, bcoz now we realise labels are only made in bulk(ie 3000). So now what?
Here comes the bright idea: lets go handmade( as everything handmade is in n also expensive).
so we buy a fabric paint and paint our labels ourselves. MATTER SOLVED

Not to forget we are also goin for our first round of boutique hunting. We are probably rightly dressed, making sure not to come across as a bunch of "Paplus". . will surely tell you how it was once im back.....

Monday, August 17, 2009

Baby steps

Dolly happens to be superb at styling...she has a style which grows on you...though its tough to believe when you see her...but this woman can grow on you! She is bubbly and loud but absolutely fantastic...
And Debalina(Debo) who has had a long association with Dolly...is a complete DRAMA Queen...she can put some of our actresses to shame and trust me the entire office and vouch for that! Debo always told Dolly that she should consider styling seriously...though nothing ever materialized!
Laziness I tell you! So here came Shilpa...a rather serious character of the lot (literally)! She chooses to sit a little corner and works away only to get a chance to go home again!
It was evident that all these three women had two thing in common :- lack of motivation to do what we were doing and a desire to do something more exciting with our lives!
Not that anyone knew what that factor will be!
Zoom onto the Bangalore Fashion week where Shilpa and Debo shared a room at the hotel Ottera : a rather plush hotel I say and the food: another thing that these women have in common...was rather sad at the place! So since we were not enjoying our food...there few topics to talk about other than work...so the only thing left to discuss were the designers and their rather horrendous outfits! And that's where the BRAINWAVE happened!
At this moment, Debo and Shilpa had realized that Dolly is far more talented that these bunch of rich kids who have poor sense of colors and styles!
Cut to Bombay ( Sorry, we work in the media, can't do away with out TV lingo)
Shilpa walks into the nursery where Dolly is seated...and tells her in a rather serious tone (which by the way may become her signature) Dol...why don't you do something about this talent you have in you? And rather surprisingly and pleasantly at that...Dolly jumped on the chance! Shilpa was impressed that she actually got Dolly to do what she had in her mind for the longest times...and this is where COLORBURST was born! ( We'll tell you the story how the name came into being in another blog...gotta leave content to connect stories you see)