Monday, August 31, 2009

Almost there!

So finally today after a lot of thinking the logo has been finalised! It's such a relief!
After all the contemplation and bright ideas about asking a website to design it and being stuck pimarily becos we did not have a visual identity...Colorburt has found a face now! and its beautiful! Thanks to my husband who took it on himself to ensure we have our identity crisis resolved as soon as possible! Guess hardwork and focus always pays!!!
We are all set to enter the phase II of production and this time with a little more confidence, becos now we know, the market is going to welcome us with open arms! Can't wait to unveil!


  1. I wish you all the success with this BRAND of clothesline.Every great journey begins with a single step and you have put your first step forward!!! But beware, before any big leap, there would be many small stop.

  2. And please remove themandatory WORD VERIFICATION option for posting comments. This is useless.
